Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day Forty

O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. ~ Psalms 34:8

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. ~ Albert Einstein

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. ~ Dalai Lama

Today God has given me twenty-four hours of breathing, searching, listening, learning. How many of those have I spent in a cynical place? How quickly did I jump to judge another? How many times could I not quiet my inner voice long enough to really hear another's pain, problem or praise? How often did I speak, or keep silent, out of fear?
God is everything or He is nothing. Every second of my day I have the option of praying for an intuitive thought or action. How wonderful when I remember to do so, how unfortunate when I choose my own rather flawed impulses.When I'm not gentle with God's children I feel it in a weakening of my spirit. I feel anxious, uneasy. When I'm intolerant of others, I am blocking myself off from all the Light there is in the world. Like I'm saying to Him, "Looks like you screwed this one up, but don't worry, I got this! I know what's best."
God can connect the dots, whether or not I'm able to do the same. I believe it is all for the greater good, mine, yours, people all over the world who I will never meet, people who aren't even born yet. He has a purpose for us all. My prayer tonight is that when I start to feel like I know what's best, I will recognize it for what it is - a feeling, not a fact - & remember that God's taking care of everything & my understanding is not required.


Prof. Chronotis said...

Last summer I nearly died; my appendix had burst and I didn't know it. Surgery and a month of recovery... then I was "good as new." Tonight I met up with an old friend who's had nearly the same experience -- except he came out of it much, much worse. His life, quite simply, will never again be anything like what it was. And I am awed tonight by what a fine, fine line has separated my fate from his. Now I want to rage at the One who made us both and has our lives in His hands. "Why have you done this to him? Why spare me when I am so unworthy?" And of course you're right; my understanding is not required. The Lord is good, and blessed is the man that trusts in Him.

That is not to say that it's always easy.

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