Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day Twenty-Seven

His mercies are new every morning ...

What makes a day beautiful?
What made today beautiful was the company that I kept. The river that I stood near and made sure I took in the view. The safety in a drive to and out of town. Soft prayers to God. Conversation had. The witnessing of a marriage between two people that were strangers to me. The blisters that I got on my feet walking to see something lovely. Eating green beans with my fingers in the truck -- Lunch on the go. Hugs. Meeting new people. Music. Fighting the tiredness in my body that is aching. Holding hands. Sharing of pasts and connection.
Sometimes what makes the day beautiful is the struggle I've overcome to admit that it was beautiful. The attitude or mood I've asked God to change and have been able to turn around in less time, than the last time it feel upon me. Sometimes beauty in the day comes from a lesson learned. Kindness from a stranger. Truth finally believed. Sometimes a day is beautiful because of each breath I take or because I woke up that morning. Beauty doesn't come from perfection.
Seeing beauty in each day comes from practice. It comes from letting go. It comes from looking. It comes with perspective. And it is painted by the Master, even if we don't like the colors he takes from the palette -- dark to light. Or the things he has to smear out to paint over. The pictures that are painful he creates.
We must find comfort in the Truth that everything He forms with that brush has meaning. When He looks at that canvas He sees beautiful. It's what the painter does. He can't not love the thing He has created, because it has come from His feelings, His loves and insides.
Each day is beautiful. Every moment is beautiful. Don't stop looking.
He will not stop painting.
Your days are a masterpiece.
Each one worth so much ... so much more than we realize.


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