And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon earth. ~ Genesis 9:16
Everything I understand, I understand only because I love. ~ Leo Tolstoy
He who postpones the hour of living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses. ~ Horace
My world is so big these days. Full of love & laughter. Honesty & concern. Committments & what a good friend of mine calls "real talk." The people that drift in & out of my days come with God's purpose, instead of man's. Thank you God for those you place in my life.
I am often overwhelmed by God's attention to detail - how he forms each drop of dew, molds my fingernails, paints fish scales so shiny. I was very aware of how each intricately crafted puzzle piece slid together with oiled ease, creating my Today. I was placed in the presence of so many people... a friend who loves my daughter & held & kissed her a kerbillion times - a friend who is in a place that I've been & I had the chance to share my experience, let her know she isn't alone - a crying, sick woman whose face had that rotten color of cancer - a three-toothed little girl, only a couple of weeks shy of her first birthday, who jumped into my arms & squeezed me hard with her pudgy, dimpled little hands around my neck - a man who is scared of the future, scared of losing what he believes is his - two women, waiting on a loved one after surgery, sharing sewing tips & lovely southern pleasantries - a man who comes home & smiles at me, eventhough I know the long day has beaten him.
Some days, like this one, I feel like I've had to do nothing but wake up & show up - He took care of the rest. Today was just Here, This Hour, This Moment. Say yes & just go. I received a full range of emotion from just going today. I know the saying "90% of life is showing up," & also "you are remembered by your absence." I hope tomorrow I can remember that it's OK to be fondly forgotten because I'm really living.
I'm so grateful God gives me what He wants me to have, instead of what I deserve. My life is a miracle, my world is a blessing from a merciful God. I pray all of your days are glittery & gush with vitality, pink ribbons, rainbows, clean sheets, dirty feet & stuffed yellow peeps. Lovelovelove
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