Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day Fifteen

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.  Psalm 42:7

And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed! 
-- Dr. Seuss

When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet. 
-- Stanislaw J. Lec

When is the last time you celebrated your self? Who you are on the inside. When is the last time you jumped for joy just because something was special to you, and you didn't care who was watching? I encourage you to take a moment for yourself today, this week. Do something beautiful just for you. Take a moment back from the "fast" of the world and listen -- to yourself. What is your souls saying? How can you feed your spirit?
Have you ever gone to a movie by yourself? Just one that you really wanted to see. I find there's much strength sitting in that seat. Take a walk through a garden. Swing at a playground -- close your eyes and really enjoy it. Eat some cotton candy. Blow some bubbles at bedtime. Sit down with a book at a botanical gardens, in your own back yard and read for joy and pleasure. Take a nap and relish in your dreams. Take a walk on a path you've never been on before. Go to the store and put together a special bouquet and give it to yourself. Play dress up. Make pancakes with fruit and whipped cream. Lay down a blanket outside and name the stars or guess the shapes of the clouds.
Find ways to celebrate the journey. Breathe in the moment and find joy in who you are at just that time. Ask God to show you just how He sees you, look at yourself through his eyes and let everything else fall away. 
Make a wish and watch a balloon slip from your hand, follow its ascent into the sky. Find a tire swing tied to the branch of a tree. Live a little more fully for just one day. No guilt, no looking back or forward, and no regrets. The gate is wide open. Go twirl. Set the table for tea. The ground will still be there when you come back down. Hug yourself in a moment made just for you. Love who you are. So unique. So brave. So beautiful.


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